The Bosco della Continuità and Park of Ancient Olive Trees

The Bosco della Continuità and Park of Ancient Olive Trees

Standing next to the country church dedicated to St Lawrence, the Bosco della Continuità was opened in 2006 to pay homage, every year, to the new-borns and to the old people who reach the ripe old age of 90.

Not far from the Bosco are a thicket of centenarian almond trees and about one thousand centuries-old olive trees.

The thicket of oleasters and fruit trees has been recently redesigned to create a sensory trail about the local plants. A walk in the wood is a unique experience, through which you can explore the differently nuanced perceptions of the human body in contact with the natural environment all around.

Actually, this trail is the brainchild of a specific study that wanted to awaken the five senses through the colours and scents of the wood’s wildlife. So, you will have an opportunity to touch, smell, see the surrounding vegetation in a state of deep emotional connection that will heal your body and mind.

The Bosco della Continuità is part of a context that is deeply rooted in the identity of the village, mainly connected with the study and promotion of wild herbs, a tradition that Ussaramanna has been engaged in for nearly 40 years. An exhibition of typical wild herbs is set up once a year, during which cultural events, conferences, talks and experiential and/or educational workshops are organised.

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